28 May, 2005

schapelle corby

Publius Pundit has a roundup of Australian blogger reaction to the 20-year sentence given to Australian Schapelle Corby for smuggling pot into Bali, Indonesia. And, while not suggesting innocence, Publius Pundit sees injustice in the verdict.:

Dictator Soeharto, thief of $40 billion and killer of 500,000, the
man of The Year Of Living Dangerously’s rivers that ran red with blood
in 1966, gets a mild ailment in his dotage, sending him to the hospital
and everyone in the supposed new reformasi democrasi government is at the old dictator’s side, wishing him well, bringing him flowers.
yet, the vile Abu Bakar Bashir, one of the world’s foulest terrorists,
a man in the same league as bin Laden, Zarkawi, Hambali, Zawahri and
Granda, got all of two and a half years’ jail for murdering 200 mostly Australian tourists on Bali three years ago.
What the hell does that say about Indonesian justice? 20 years for pot,
2 years for terrorist mass murder? Twenty year sentences for
Australians who damage Bali by bringing in pot, 2 year sentences for
Indonesians who kill Australians by blasting them away with bombs? It’s
obvious some kind of injustice is going on, even if Schapelle Corby is
as guilty as they come.

by @ 9:50 pm. Filed under Indonesia

One Response to “schapelle corby”

  1. robi Says:

    4.5 days per victim is what the Indonesians call justice. I wonder if Corby will be let out for coffee with high ranking Generals like Bashir http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/043931.php.

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