29 May, 2005

big brother & s’pore bloggers

Note to Singapore bloggers: just in case the ‘.gov’ in the IP addresses didn’t tip you off - the Straits Times bluntly explains that big brother is watching (via Buttermilk):

‘According to the Ministry of Information, Communications
and the Arts, the Government keeps an eye on all feedback it gets
online, including blogs. "However, it is not practical, if not
impossible, to keep track of everything that goes on over the
Internet," stressed a spokesman.’

Implied: ‘. . . much as we would like to!’

like-minded people—say, opposition sympathisers—get together after
reading one another’s blogs? There is little evidence of that for now,
but it cannot be ruled out.’

No doubt Gabriel
would tell me not to conflate the organs of the state with the state
itself, but sometimes the fingerprints of the state are too thick and
grimy to ignore. ‘Opposition sympathisers‘? ‘Cannot be ruled out‘? Very interesting
choice of words. (Compare: ‘Could Democrat sympathisers get together
after reading one another’s blogs? The possibility cannot be ruled

by @ 12:42 pm. Filed under Blogs, Singapore, Southeast Asia

3 Responses to “big brother & s’pore bloggers”

  1. Nicholas Liu Says:

    I love the smell of broken links in the morning.

  2. From a Singapore Angle Says:

    ST gets serious about blogs

    My third and final post on the trio of ST articles on blogs. As the lead article’s title (”Will S’pore politics go to the blogs?”) indicates, the writers’ focus is ultimately on the possible political implications of the blogs: “The million-dollar qu…

  3. Agagooga Says:

    Nah, in this case I’d agree with you. Unfortunately.

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