16 July, 2005

pathology of jihad

A research note from The Acorn.

The West prefers to believe that Jihadus alqaedus, the most feared variety of the Jihadus family is the most dangerous, and is devoting most of its energies to eradicate it. While it is fighting Jihadus talebanus in Afghanistan, it is content to allow Pakistan to carry on with its charade of appearing to support US and Afghan efforts against increasingly numerous ‘remnants’ of J. talebanus which was previously believed to be near extinction. As for Jihadus kashmirius, the West believes that this is a variety that Pakistan prepared specifically to attack India, and hence poses no threat to the world at large.


by @ 8:52 pm. Filed under Pakistan, India, Asia, South Asia, Terrorism

2 Responses to “pathology of jihad”

  1. Rama priya Says:

    Alqueda has started recuiting from the homeless orphans of the POK.many are young boys.The route is thru madarasas.Let the CIA and Amecican and British intelligence get alerted.These Muslims are fanatical and like spinyx one comes to imaginary allah and the religious cause.

  2. Rama priya Says:

    Alqueda has started recuiting from the homeless orphans of the POK.many are young boys.The route is thru madarasas.Let the CIA and Amecican and British intelligence get alerted.These Muslims are fanatical and like spinyx one comes to imaginary allah and the religious cause.

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