15 January, 2006

s’pore blogwar: and the winner is…


There’s a war going on in the local blogosphere between Team A (Xiaxue, Sillycelly and Sandra) and Team B (Blinkymummy and Xialanxue). Go read their blogs to find out what happened. Tomorrow has links to some blogs following the story. (Picture and words from IZ)

Young Asian girls, slander, a bikini photo shoot gone bad and catfights. This should be even bigger than the Dawn Yang plastic surgery controversy (if you don’t know, don’t ask).

As AsiaPundit understands, the story is that Asia’s ‘Best’ blogger XiaXue, along with friends Sillycelly and Sandra, were seemingly upset at Blinkymummy, possibly for posts related to a lad mag photo shoot that the three did.

At a restaurant encounter a somewhat drunk Blinkymummy had words with the girls.

Shortly after a Blinkymummy hate site appeared with the author baring the moniker "Xialanxue," the author of an anonymous anti-Xiaxue site.

Allegedly, bloglines screen grabs demonstrated that Xiaxue was impersonating Xialanxue in an effort to slander Blinkymummy. Ironically, one of the incriminating posts was one in which XiaXue was insulting anonymous hate-site owners and fast-food chain mascots,

This was followed a post on the ’scandal’ being put on aggregator site Tomorrow.sg, and then taken down - and then being replaced by a new post. Followed by a deletion of all trackbacks by a Tomorrow editor who may or may not have been XiaXue. Undermining the editorial stance of Tomorrow.

Got it? I didn’t think so.

Thankfully Shaolin Tiger has a generally readable review of the matter. Tomorrow has about 35 linked trackbacks to its post.

Funnily enough, in one of the gazillion comments on this in the S’poreblogosphere it was said that "Blinkymummy started it." That’s a classic schoolyard comment and, with it, AsiaPundit is willing to call this blogwar now.

The winner is… Steven. He wasn’t actually involved but no one else comes out of this looking very good and the whole incident adds immeasurable support for his controversial thesis.

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by @ 10:30 pm. Filed under Blogs, Singapore, Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Weblogs

7 Responses to “s’pore blogwar: and the winner is…”

  1. Agagooga Says:


  2. Will Says:

    I used to work in radio and I vividly Howard Stern saying, “Radio is the lowest rung of celebrity.”

    That was true. Until blogging came along.

  3. xpyre Says:

    That’s Asia’s best blogger for you; voters must’ve been high on something - that’s the only *sane* explanation.

  4. Gordon Says:

    Myrick, for someone who claims not to like that mouthy little midget with tiny teeth and big feet, you sure write about her an aweful lot. *snicker*

  5. Leo "D" Says:

    You left Kimberlycun out of the roundup. She and the others have been trying to “smear” Xiaxue for several weeks now. Outright JEALOUSY! Xialanxue set up the hate site and may be the perosn who hacked into Xiaxue’s blogspot site last year.

  6. suanie Says:

    and the conspiracies linger on…

    Thanks for the link to Steven’s post. I spent a whole hour reading the comments, and related posts.

    So, what’s for lunch?

  7. omg Says:

    vengeful vengeful. now she’s taking attack on another female blogger by a “smearing” blog entry.

    tsk tsk.

    here’s the girl in question


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