24 May, 2006

Who Cares about Dokdo?

Do you care about the status of the islands known as Dokdo. If you don’t you likely belong to the 99.994 percent of the world’s population that is not South Korean. GI Korea tested searches for the islands on Google trends:


I have been playing around with and it is an interesting tool to see who from what countries are searching for certain terms. After playing around with this for a while I thought what a great tool to use to once and for all see if anyone else in the world gives a crap about the Dokdo Islands controversy. Judging from the results you will see that .

AsiaPundit was intrigued by the findings, but thought to be fair that a test should account for language barriers. The Japanese name for the disputed set of rocks is Takeshima, However — and surprisingly — a test for that search term :

Picture 6

Oddly, Koreans are not only the most likely to care about Dokdo, they are also the only ones searching for Takeshima.

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by @ 12:33 am. Filed under Japan, South Korea, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

2 Responses to “Who Cares about Dokdo?”

  1. GI Korea Says:

    Remember as Scott pointed out on my blog, that the Dokdo Riders have not completed their around the world journey yet to spread their Dokdo is Korea message. That may raise it to .008% of the world’s population outside of Korea giving a crap about Dokdo.

  2. JJ Says:

    Russia and Korea invaded and attacked to Japanese islands half a century ago. Korea shot at Japanner and abducted a lot of Japanese and demanded ransom money.
    However, curiously the Japanese self-defense force avoids fighting because the Japanese Constitution prohibits war.

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