8 September, 2006

Avoid Asian Implants

AsiaPundit has been receiving extended essay-length comments in an earlier post from supporters of a certain spiritual movement. These have not been printed because of length, and because this site tries to avoid the inevitable ‘debate’ that tends to break out between FLG supporters and CCP apologists.

The AsiaPundit view on the matter is that FLG is a cult, and it is one that authorities have been unjustly persecuting. Cults should not be persecuted, they should be made fun of. They’re wacky!

However, as a service we bring the following announcement. While we do have doubts about some claims of organ harvesting in China, we would like to warn Westerners of the dangers of accepting any organ implants from Asia. shows why.:

AsiaPundit will have a reduced posting schedule for much of this month. On top of Asia Blog Awards, with the end of the lazy summer season and the approaching National Day holiday, September tends to be a busy month for both hacks and flacks in China.

by @ 9:16 pm. Filed under Uncategorized

One Response to “Avoid Asian Implants”

  1. michael Says:

    Hey, sorry to put this here but I can’t find your contact details. Can you send me an email? I want to offer to make a better button for the Asia Blog Awards. Not that yours is ugly… but, well…anyway, if you’re interested drop me a line. I’ve got plenty of time and “ill Photoshop skillz”. Otherwise, keep up the good work.

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