17 June, 2005

hack for freedom

No, I would never call Rebecca a hack. I was refering to myself. I’m the one who’s posting knee-jerk reactions on Microsoft becoming Bejing’s Bitch.

Ms McKinnion, on the other hand, is actually investigating the limits of Microsoft’s ban on ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights,’ and providing instructions on circumventing the ban, She has an updated post on how to hack the system to bypass censorship on MSN Spaces’ China portal and on how far the censorship extends.:

Some Chinese bloggers have said that they were able to set up Chinese language MSN Spaces blogs using the "forbidden" political words. To clarify the situation I tried to set up my own freedom loving Chinese blog. I went into the MSN Spaces Chinese interface at: http://spaces.msn.com/?mkt=zh-cn, and tried to set up a blog titled 我爱言论自由人权和民主, which means "I love freedom of speech, human rights and democracy."

And Doubleleaf has more, it seems the system can be bypassed by registering with an English-language browser or by adjusting your country settings on hotmail.


by @ 6:50 pm. Filed under Blogs, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Media, Weblogs, Censorship

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