17 June, 2005

the confucian wisdom of poet rumsfeld

ESWN looks at a Chinese disident’s study of media restrictions and stumbles on a odd relationship between Confucius and an American poet.

Confucius said, "You know what you know and you don’t know what you don’t know.  That is knowledge."  But we are live in a state of lies and propaganda in which "You know what you know, you think that you know what you actually don’t know, and  you even think that you know what you don’t know that you don’t know.  That is not knowledge."

But here is where the author threw me completely for a loop.  He quoted a poem which titled "The Unknown" by a traditionalist who came out of Princeton University, and it goes something like: "There are some things that we know that we know.  There are some things that we know that we don’t know.  But then there are some things that we don’t even know that we don’t know.  Sometimes, we don’t know that we don’t know about the situation."  The author then went on to say, "It is the power of wisdom that can maintain such clarity of mind about one’s own ignorant state."
Why was I thrown for a loop?  I looked at the name of this Princeton graduate.  The name was Donald Rumsfeld.  He is the current Secretary of Defense for the United States of America.  The quote did not come from any poem.  It came during a US Department of Defense press conference. 

by @ 7:56 am. Filed under Culture, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Censorship

One Response to “the confucian wisdom of poet rumsfeld”

  1. daryl Says:

    The whole “Rumsfeld’s ‘known knowns’ speech as poetry” thing is from quite a long way back…

    But it’s always fun to rewrite Rumsfeld into poetry. I attempted it last year -

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