23 June, 2005

laowai’s letter

Laowai 19790204  has written to his Senators:

Dear Senators Gregg and Sununu,
I would like to draw your attention to this post by
TV-reporter-turned-blogger Rebecca Mckinnon:
In it she describes how companies like Microsoft and Cisco Systems are  complicit in providing the architecture for China’s terrorism on free speech and pro-democracy advocates, by selling to them and installing technology that assists in the suppression of freedom of speech on the internet….
…Furthermore, in permitting this activity we are passively allowing China to wage a war of propaganda on its people, a war that has thus far helped to create the phenomenon that we very recently saw:  the riots against Japan.  It is this hatred and malice, this racism that is partly fueled by historical mis-information that we help to create, in allowing Microsoft and Cisco Systems to help China censor its internet content.

Interesting turn to frame the debate in terms of US and Japanese security, rather than simply another ‘internal matter.’ Doing so puts a different spin of suggestions, via ESWN, that encourage "the US government to invest US$100 million to provide unstoppable proxy servers."

I’m not recommending such a thing at present, serious due diligence would be needed before such a proposal is even debated, but I wouldn’t discount it as an option.  It really doesn’t step too far beyond the ideas that were behind the development of Voice of America and BBC WorldService - it just updates them.

by @ 2:41 pm. Filed under Blogs, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Web/Tech, Weblogs, Censorship

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