27 January, 2006

’action’ figures

AsiaPundit makes his usual disclaimer, this is not porn… This is Art.:

InterlockingsexfigurinFrom the land of Japan, comes the interlocking sex figurines. The best thing about these figurines is that they can be rearranged into a variety of positions. Click , and for the figurines in action.

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by @ 11:32 pm. Filed under Japan, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

thai braces

Austin reports on Thailand’s newest fashion craze.:

BracesBraces are now the new teenage fad for the jet set in Siam Square in Bangkok and seemingly throughout Thailand. Why we can only speculate. But I have to say that at my local bank every single clerk has purple braces to match their outfits - very attentive to detail that bunch!

All this makes me recall a conversation I had with the Creative Director of Bed Supper Club in BKK, probably the most famous destination in the city. He told me in front of the Playground! store (another incredibly trendy store that will probably close very very soon) that he could not believe that his “designer toy” store had plummeting sales. And proceeded to follow that comment with a disparaging “Oh the Thais never get past their trends”. I wonder where they get inspiration?

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by @ 11:14 pm. Filed under Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Thailand

I take it back. :

made a more thorough comparison between the three US search engines Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.

    Google’s new China search engine not only censors many Web sites that question the Chinese government, but it goes further than similar services from Microsoft and Yahoo by targeting teen pregnancy, homosexuality, dating, beer and jokes.



Censoring politics is bad enough, but censoring results about beer is unacceptable!

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by @ 10:22 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Media, Web/Tech, Censorship

quit complaining about your day job

Some people have it worse.:


by @ 12:04 am. Filed under Uncategorized

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Mr. China - by Tim Clissold:

How to lose $400 million in the world's biggest market.

Imelda - Power, Myth, Illusion:
A documentary on the former Philippine first lady that is damning, sympathetic and incredibly funny.

Yat Kha - Re Covers:
Siberian throat-singing punk band searches for its roots's - Bomb the Twist:
Three Japanese women play 1950's-inspired punk.

Gigantor Box Set Volume 1:
The original giant Japanese robot

Mao: The Unknown Story - by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday:
A controversial and damning biography of the Helmsman.

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