12 February, 2006

sashimi and nationalism

Via Mutant Frog, Kuomintang Chairman Ma Ying Jiu has denied that the party is contributing to anti-Japanese nationalism, saying that he loves sashimi.:

SashimiReports that the KMT walks lockstep with the mainland (China) in their anti-Japan campaign do not reflect my real feelings. I even love sashimi!” On the 10th Ma Ying Jiu (mayor of Taipei), chairman of the KMT[Chinese Nationalist Party], Taiwan’s largest opposition party, assembled Japanese reporters resident in Taipei and issued a denial of the viewpoint that he was himself a believer in anti-Japan ideology.

There are indications that the KMT has been intensifying their anti-Japan tendencies, such as stressing their own role in the Sino/Japanese war. “We criticize even the white terror (of KMT despotic rule) and (China’s) Tainanmen incident from the same basis of human rights and constutituional government. There’s no reason to make an issue out of only Japan,” Chairman Ma Ying Jiu said.

However, “I do not approve of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Yasukuni Shrine visits,” he said, not forgetting that stab in the neck. Ma Ying Jiu is currently considered the favorite to win in Taiwan’s next presidential election.

As someone who lives in China and has has lived in Korea, AsiaPundit will note that it is entirely possible to like sashimi and harbor ill will toward the Japanese. It’s also possible to wear Levi’s jeans and Nike sneakers and be anti-American.

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by @ 5:55 pm. Filed under Food and Drink, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

2 Responses to “sashimi and nationalism”

  1. The Foreigner Says:

    Enjoying sashimi is proof that Ma likes Japan?

    Then the 7/7 terrorist that they caught in Italy must have really LOVED America. After all, wasn’t he caught on video wearing a NY Yankees t-shirt?

  2. Tiger Says:

    What Ma said or denied regarding Japan’s nationalism or Chinese nationalism is irrelevant here. This is such a minor issue and only serves to distract from the main issue: namely the Japanese barbaric destruction and brutal genocide in Asia during WWII. Japan has yet to make a full heart-felt apology in the manner the Germans did. And the Japanese have yet to institutionalize, like the Germans, the painful lessons learned from WWII. Japan still displays arrogance and never atones to this very day. The Asian victims of Japanese brutality have shown remarkable forgiveness and forgetfulness, and somehow, this bothers me, there is little in the Japanese conscience, a sense of gratefulness that the victims deserve a little more dignity after all the deaths and destructions. Sure a few Japanese individuals running around Asia apologizing for Japan’s past misdeeds, but amidst this song and dance act, where is the collective apology that is backed with some sincere substance?

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