23 May, 2005

maybe 2,000

An American Expat in SE Asia notes that Indonesians are still protesting over Newsweek’s now-retracted Koran-flushing story. Encouragingly, there were far fewer protesters than was being reported. The down side, Expat thinks the protests were funded by money that should have been used elsewhere:

Update 9:50 PM Sunday evening.

Reports late this evening are stating that the crowd numbered up to 7,000 - Allow me to be the first to say that it was no where near 7,000 at most maybe 2,000 plus an almost equal number of police officers. Most of the protesters were wandering off to go eat and drink before noon because of the heat. No violence just a bunch of the typical anti-american rhetoric and a US flag burned partially that took several attempts to get lighted.

But in the end sensationalist headlines sell more papers. Just like the one that is being accused of igniting these protests in the first place. What the paper fails to tell you is that the protesters were all brought in on buses to protest. The question that should be on everyone’s mind is "Who paid for all this?" You might be shocked to find out the answer. I hope to have more details within the next day or so. But lets just say for now that almost all the money for the tsunami victims never made it to the intended victims. Outraged? You should be.

by @ 12:46 pm. Filed under Indonesia

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