1 June, 2005

s korean metrosexual

Jodi has found a metrosexual boyfriend in Pusan. Myrick is not a metrosexual. He cooks, occasionally carries a ‘man-purse,’ and irregularly uses moisturizer. But ironing, shopping and organizing are right out. (Myrick’s sock drawer is an example of market failure that disturbs him).

Jodi’s new beau sounds like a keeper.

He comes over to my desk and rummages through the cosmetic storage boxes which he had bought and organized for me earlier that day while I was at work, picks up a small bottle of scented facial lotion (he knew exactly which drawer to look in), holds it in his left hand and examines it before taking the liberty of then applying it to his own face before neatly screwing the cap back on and returning it to its own little compartment.
I stopped what I was doing and stared at him in disbelief, my mouth hanging open…
This is all an epilogue to what I caught him doing when I came home from work the day before: ironing my clothes after cleaning my apartment. (I train them well, don’t I?) Which followed a weekend willingly spent shopping with me at his suggestion. (I have never met a guy who suggests we spend time together shopping although I am always game for it.)…
So now I’m just gonna’ say it. This dude ain’t Korean.

Myrick is disturbed by how he had been referring to himself in the third person on this page.

by @ 9:49 pm. Filed under Culture, South Korea, Northeast Asia

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