8 June, 2005

malaysia mp blogs

Unlike the Singapore transport minister discovered by mr brown, Maobi has found a blog by a Malaysian UMNO MP that he says seems legitimate.
Interestingly, the content is similar - justifying high wages for politicians:

Datuk Shahrir Samad hoped that Members of Parliament could receive more comprehensive benefits not just limited to the increase in allowances.

"The scope of this benefits should be wider in line with efforts to make paliament as the institution which is paramount. More issues need to be considered to help MPs be more effective in their jobs." The wage increases for MPs should not be tied to the wage increases for civil servants because the job scope and roles [MPs] undertake need to be measured in the larger context"

Without a blog, how the heck could the tax payer see such nastiness where this guy just got a 10% increase in salary. Instead of being thankful to the people they are already asking for more. Imagine your boss giving you 10% and then you turning right around and saying "Ok, let’s talk about more vacation time". Look bubba, that dog don’t hunt. Show us that you are working harder for the more money and then ask for another raise (in cash or in kind).

by @ 7:27 pm. Filed under Blogs, Malaysia, Southeast Asia

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