23 June, 2005

chloe vs chloe

I have had a lot of traffic from XiaXue over the past two days. Some have littered the comments section with items noting my impotence, small penis size and my love of porn. All of that is true, of course, but I’m wondering how they knew.

However, most have been civilized visitors. With that I will step up to the defense of Chloe XiaXue whose reputation has been endangered by improperly placed captions in Singapore’s Wanbao newspaper.

MistakenspgChloe XiaXue, you see, is described in the caption on the left (click to enlarge) as being the Sarong Party Girl (SPG).

SPG is the blogger who ’shocked’ Singapore by posting a relatively artful black-and-white nude photo of herself on her blog. Why Singapore is ’shocked’ by this but legally permits 17 year olds to be prostitutes confuses me. Nevertheless, Singapore was ’shocked.’

While I had a sense of schadenfreude amusement over that incident, I am more sympathetic to XiaXue’s current plight; after getting an apology from Wanabo two Malaysian papers have made the same error.:

I am defamed across South East Asia. My photo is splashed across the Malaysian papers as the nude blogger who goes for regular Aids check-ups and took off my clothes for money.
Here: One stupid paper, and another stupid paper.
Even worse, for both papers it is ONLY my photo used. Happy lor, Chloe. Somebody else is paying time for your crime - your face is not even shown. Can someone tell me why I am suffering for some f**king editor’s f**king CARELESS MISTAKE?!
It will affect my career because I am only blogging now, and no brand would want to be associated with me after this. The potential damage is really not little.

I’m also concerned that SPG’s chances of a modeling gig or book deal may be damaged by this.

An item similar to the Wanabo item on SPG has been translated and reprinted at Asian Sex Gazette (not safe for work, but not seriously pornographic).

by @ 12:26 am. Filed under Culture, Blogs, Singapore, Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia

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