2 July, 2005

support the registran

I can’t find a direct link to this on the registran.net site, so here is the news from Siberian Light.:

Nathan, webmaster extra-ordinaire of registan.net has has just had to quit his job after his workplace was taken over by eulogising Scientologists (I kid you not).  As a consequence he’s opened up a tip-jar for donations to help him balance the books over the next couple of months.

Rather than recount the whole tale, the past couple months have been extremely uncomfortable. They have included a vicious and nasty verbal attack on me from a Hubbard management consultant, plummetting morale amongst coworkers (many have left), having my concerns dismissed by my boss, and much more. What really brought it to a head was my boss acting like the staff’s unhappiness and the concerns I brought to her about WISE and ABLE make her a victim of religious persecution. Let’s repeat that. Disagreement equals persecution.

Registan.net is a wonderful source of information and insightful analysis on Central Asia - a real labour of love for which Nathan has never charged a cent.  As Nathan says, he’s "not quite in the poorhouse," but the time and effort he puts into maintaining the site and the great information we all get from reading it are certainly worth a few dollars, especially when times are tough for its webmaster.

by @ 12:31 pm. Filed under Blogs, Asia, Media, Weblogs, Central Asia

2 Responses to “support the registran”

  1. Nathan Says:

    I’m inaccessible in China again? Kind of cool, I guess.

    Anyway, the direct link for the tipjar is here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=nathan%40registan%2enet&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD&charset=UTF%2d8

    Thanks so much for mentioning it!

  2. tdaxp Says:

    Scientology v. Registan

    "Support Registan," by Chirol, Coming Anarchy, 2 July 2005, http://www.cominganarchy.com/archives/2005/07/02/support-registan/. Disturbing news from Registan, via Chirol, in its entirety Webmaster extraordinaire and close friend of ComingAnar…

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