12 July, 2005

anhui porn prosecution

Via ESWN, 11 people are being tried for criminal use of the internet.  But it’s not about politics, it’s about porn.

So what exactly were they doing that constituted criminal behavior? Well, this should have been easy to guess.  As a country, China has the second largest number of Internet users.  When Chinese people get on the Internet, most of them are not banging the keyboard to talk about freedom or democracy.  Similarly, as a country, the United States has the largest number of Internet users and most Americans do not get on the Internet to talk about the privatization of social security or the nomination of John Bolton as US Ambassador to the United Nations.  The common thing about the United States and China is that the most popular subject on the Internet is … pornography.
The name of the web site in this case is "99bbs.com."  It was founded in 2002 by a 19-year-old Fujian resident named Wang Rong.  The web servers for the website are located in the United States, and therefore beyond the reach of Chinese law enforcement.  The web site may have begun as a general interest forum, but in 2003 it began to distribute pornographic movies, pictures and articles.  During this time, Wang Rong recruited the defendants over the Internet to manage various aspects of the operations.

by @ 2:59 pm. Filed under Culture, China, Money, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Media, Web/Tech, Censorship

2 Responses to “anhui porn prosecution”

  1. fons Says:

    I think you stumbled on an older article here:

  2. Gus Van Horn Says:

    Chinamerica Threat Roundup 7

    Is China willing to nuke Los Angeles in the process of invading Taiwan? Should we be concerned about the rising level of Chinese investment in our economy? Do China’s professors get to voice their opinions freely over the Internet? Will the John Walker…

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