17 August, 2005

the firewall expands

Gordon at the Horse’s Mouth has just asked me if I can still access his blog-city site from Shanghai. I can’t. Nor can I access other Blog City sites such as Kevin in Pudong or  Middle Kingdom Stories.

I ran a trace route and it seems that all of the sites are blocked at the Great Firewall of China.


by @ 9:20 pm. Filed under Blogs, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Media, Web/Tech, Weblogs, Censorship

7 Responses to “the firewall expands”

  1. Imagethief Says:

    Blog City Incurs Wrath of Nanny

  2. Gordon Says:

    Bastards! Hopefully this is only temporary. In the meantime, Blog-City has assured me that they are working on a solution and I’m doing the same.

    It must have been the story about the rats that set them off? You know, trying to kill of their kin….

  3. Simon World Says:

    Daily linklets 18th August

    The Great Firewall expands to include blogcity. The Blogcity people are working on ways around it, and Gordon has found a work-around. Please email me if you would like to get in touch with Gordon for the work-around. Richard has a Blogcity thread run…

  4. 首頁 Says:



  5. Gordon Says:

    The work-around loophole that I’ve discovered was actually something I set up a couple of months ago when I encountered a brief ban that only lasted a few hours. After it was lifted I quickly put a couple of other measures into place that would allow me to continue updating my blog, though in limited form.

    I also have a mirror site that I establishd after that incident. I will probably start posting to it later today, until the ban has been lifted.

    The Horse’s Mouth (mirror site)

    I may even try temporarily removing the post about Taiwan being a possesion of the United States (according to international law) to see if that helps.

  6. rebel Says:

    Hi Myrick,

    I am doing research on cencership of blog and bloggers in China. I am based in ON, Canada. Is it possible that tell me some individual Chinese bloggers who have problems with the cencors? I really appreciate it. Pls email me back if it is possible.

  7. rebel Says:

    Hi Myrick,

    I am doing research on cencership of blog and bloggers in China. I am based in ON, Canada. Is it possible that tell me some individual Chinese bloggers who have problems with the cencors? I really appreciate it. Pls email me back if it is possible.

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