21 September, 2005

”juche ted”

Turner After reading this transcript of Ted Turner’s interview with Wolf Blitzer I am positive the guy is nuts.  Here are a few excerpts:

We have agreement there. But I had a great time. I am absolutely convinced that the North Koreans are absolutely sincere. There’s really no reason for them to cheat or do anything to violate this very forward agreement. I think we can put the North Korea and East Asia problems behind us,


Well, hey. Listen, I saw a lot of people over there. They were thin, and they were riding bicycles instead of driving in cars. But I didn’t see any brutality in the capitol, or out in the DMZ. We drove through the countryside quite a bit to down to P’annumjom and Kaesong. We traveled around.

I wonder what Ted Turner is thinking now that the North Koreans have already reneged on their agreement?  Plus has it ever crossed Ted’s mind that the people are thin over there not because they ride bikes, but because of the poor agricultural policies he mentioned in the interview?  Make sure you read the rest on your own.  Especially if you are from Alaska.  Turner doesn’t feel you are worth protecting from a North Korean missile attack.  You can read more this here and here.  I guess we can just call him “Juche Ted” for now on.

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by @ 7:07 pm. Filed under South Korea, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, North Korea

2 Responses to ““juche ted””

  1. wl Says:

    Hi rick, apologies for this comment that is not relevant to your post. Needs your opinion on if a RMB4,000-RMB5,000/mth paycheck is enough to survive in shanghai, no extravagance for sure but can it pull through?

  2. The Moderate Voice Says:

    Around The ‘Sphere Sept. 22, 2005

    Our occasional linkfest from all over Blogtopia. Links are NOT limited to one viewpoint and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Moderate Voice …

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