31 October, 2005

land-mine detecting plant

AsiaPundit is amazed by this latest piece of bio-technology news, while not specifically Asia related, this could have great applications in Cambodia and, eventually, in a unified Korea…. a plant that can detect landmines.:

IMG_0475Danish scientists have made a scientific discovery with significant humanitarian and environmental potential. They have shown that it is possible to produce plants which change colour in the presence of specific compounds within the soil, opening the way for the first bomb and land-mine detection plant.

Danish Company Aresa Biodetection has been working on the plant for several years but has now developed the plant to the stage where it is a becoming commercially viable biodetection system and can change colour from green to red within 3-5 weeks of growth.

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by @ 10:09 pm. Filed under Cambodia, Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia

2 Responses to “land-mine detecting plant”

  1. Richardson Says:

    That is amazing. Good for the DMZ, South Asia, and part of Africa.

    Now if they can make one in the form of a houseplant that will change color according to my wife’s mood, eliminating the guessing game that is traditional. We can only hope.

  2. Will Says:

    Well, I guess that’s more politically correct than using rats to do it, good as it though they seem to be. Still, one might miss the festive Sqeak-Blam! of yore.

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