7 November, 2005

zhang ziyi’s butt

ESWN translates a defense of Zhang Ziyi, who has upset Chinese nationalists over her role in Geisha.:

Let us look at what Shi Changqing wrote:

She is not being screwed by just one Japanese person, for she is being screwed by every Japanese person!  She is not the only person to be screwed by the Japanese people, for every Chinese person is being screwed by the Japanese people!  She let shame fall on the Chinese people!  How could such a person deserve to be a Chinese?

GeishaAfter reading those words, I became super-dispirited.  How did all the Chinese people get screwed by all the Japanese people?  If you think that Zhang Ziyi’s butt can represent your face, then I do not object to that.  But could you please not bring the entire Chinese population into this!  When I read you words, I did not feel screwed by the Japanese people; instead I thought that you were screwing me when you decided to use Zhang Ziyi’s butt to represent my face as well as the face of all the Chinese people.  Why do you want to screw the Chinese people?  What kind of patriotism is that?  Do you deserve to be a Chinese person?  Do not use patriotism to elevate yourself, do not think that you win just by invoking the word ‘patriotism’ and do not think that you are elevated, haloed and flawless.  It is not so.  When you used Ms. Zhang’s butt to represent the face of the Chinese people, I consider you to be unpatriotic; instead, you have insulted the 1.3 billion Chinese people.

Even though AsiaPundit has spent a decade in the Orient, there are things that he will never understand about Asia: the dominance of Miracle Whip clones and 1,000 island dressing as the only form of salad toppings available, the adding of sugar to tomato juice and, now, to find Zhang Ziyi’s naked butt as a source of nationalist outrage.

AsiaPundit has always noted with pride that Christy Chung is Canadian even though she was topless in Jan Dara (reportedly, at least, I’ve not yet investigated):


AsiaPundit is even happy to claim that Pam Anderson is Canadian.:


by @ 11:17 pm. Filed under China, Hong Kong, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Media

One Response to “zhang ziyi’s butt”

  1. DJB Says:

    Hilarious Asiapundit! Hope that translation was accurate and literate…you know how when you put stuff into google translator tool and get some really funny results if you aren’t careful. but let me relate a similar thing that happend in the philippines this year. Robin Padilla played in a movie called La Visa Loca in which he ends up playing one of those penitents at Lent in the Philippines who gets CRUCIFIED. Dont know if you know this but Robin is the most famous MUSLIM in the islands on top of being a top actor. I heard from one of the co-actors after the movie was released that a FATWA was issued against him by some crazies in Mindanao for playing the Son of the God of the infidels. And a barrage of hate text too. I guess they wanted to kick his err, butt for playing the enemy.

    Oh well, but I couldn’t think of a good shoe-is-on-the-other-foot example for you. I assume you are American, so here was my best shot: John Wayne playing Nikita Kruschev or Sadam Hussein, sympathetically.

    I know, I know it doesn’t work..
    they’d be lining up all the way from Texarkana to watch it.

    Great site, more power to you.

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