18 November, 2005

singapore’s homophobia benefits thailand

Singapore, a country where the 10-dollar bill is pink, has decided to stop chasing ‘pink dollar’ tourism, something that has been a boon to tsunami-hit Phuket (Bloomberg via Singabloodypore):

PinkdollarsSingapore hosted the first four Nation parties on Sentosa Island — soon to be home to a new casino. After the first three passed relatively unnoticed, 8,000 revelers turned up for Nation IV last year and local television news broadcast footage of the party, touching nerves in a state where gay sex remains illegal. Police refused a license for Nation V, and Singapore’s health ministry claimed the party was linked to a rise in HIV infections.

Phuket was more than willing to step in, said Suwalai Pinpradab, regional director of the tourism authority. Sulawai said she hopes Nation becomes an annual event on the island and anticipates bigger crowds if it gets the go-ahead next year, once deterrents such as the tsunami, Bali bombings and Pakistan earthquake no longer keep revelers away from Asia.

“It’s a good start. I talked to some of the participants and they’re happy,'’ she said via telephone. “They’re very good spenders compared to ordinary tourists because they had nine parties while they were in Phuket — day and night.'’


Singapore’s fourth and final Nation generated an estimated S$10 million for the city state’s economy, said Fridae.com’s Koe. Attendees pay $220 each for unlimited-access tickets, on top of spending for accommodation, food, shopping and drinks.

That’s a boost for Phuket, where credit card spending fell 26 percent this year as of Sept. 24, compared with growth of 27 percent in December, according to Visa International Inc., the world’s largest card-payment network.

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by @ 8:09 pm. Filed under Singapore, Asia, East Asia, Economy, Southeast Asia, Thailand

One Response to “singapore’s homophobia benefits thailand”

  1. Rajan R Says:

    Like Malaysian and Bruneian dollars (or ringgit if you are insistent), the $10 denomination is supposed to be red. Not pink. The $2 is purple-ish pink though.

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