23 November, 2005


The problems stemming from an explosion at a chemical plant in Jilin, China, are more severe than AsiaPundit had initially expected. The makers of one of China’s tastier lagers will almost certainly have to shut down production for at least four days.

Millions of people in Harbin will also be without water.

ESWN has the best collection of primary and secondary sources on the incident and also raises a vital question.:

Question:  Why is there no issue with the water quality of the Songhua river anywhere between Jilin and Harbin, or any points further beyond?


UPDATE: In the comments and here ESWN follows up:

According to China News, Songyuan City (which is located between Jilin and Harbin) in Jilin resumed the supply of water on November 23 around 1pm after a stoppage of seven days.
So the auxiliary mystery is just what explanation was given to the residents of Songyuan?  Maintenance?  Or benzene pollution?  In either case, if the Songyuan news got out, it would have changed the whole perception of the Harbin situation.  First, if they said maintenance, then what is the likelihood of every city along the river having maintenance issues one after another?  Second, if they said benzene, then everyone living by the river will be affected in time.  What was the news shut down?

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by @ 10:34 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, North Korea

One Response to “harbin”

  1. eswn Says:

    here is the answer: a brief note from china news: the city of songyuan (near fuyu) on the map resumed its water supply on november 23 after a stoppage of seven days. yes, they did everything quietly along the way but harbin was too big a city to keep the lid on.

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