13 January, 2006

congress to probe china censorship

Via Rebecca, the Boston Globe reports that Congress has taken an interest in US companies aiding Cninese censorship:

One of the most aggressive human rights activists in Congress has found a new cause: stamping out Internet censorship in China.
Representative Christopher H. Smith, a New Jersey Republican and chairman of a House subcommittee on human rights, plans to hold hearings next month on reports that US Internet companies, including Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp., aid efforts by the government of China to suppress free speech

Using the AP time machine (beta version), we have managed to grab a preview of the hearings:

MR. SMITH: Will you please state your name?
MR. GATES: William Henry Gates III. . . .
MR. SMITH: Mr. Gates, I will ask you, are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?
MR. GATES I am not a member of the Communist Party, but I have done business with the Communist Party.
MR. SMITH: When did you start to associate with the Communist Party?
MR. GATES: We opened a Beijing representative office in 1992.
MR. SMITH: Mr. Gates, Have you or have any of your associates ever censored or deleted a weblog on behalf of the Communist Party?

by @ 11:06 pm. Filed under Blogs, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Censorship

One Response to “congress to probe china censorship”

  1. Imagethief Says:

    Saturday PR blog: Congress to grill US net firms on China

    The US government has begun to take note of what American Internet firms are doing in China. A report…

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