14 January, 2006

kim jong-il sighting

Via Nomad, Kim Jong-il has been sighted in Guangzhou by a Japanese television crew, which managed to take some footage that is only slightly more grainy and out-of-focus than your average bigfoot sighting:


TOKYO, Jan. 14 (Yonhap) — A Japanese television network aired footage of a man believed to be North Korean leader Kim Jong-il taking a luxury excursion on a riverboat in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou on Friday night.

The scene caught by Japan’s TBS station around 10 p.m. showed the man dressed in a beige suit similar to the ones favored by former leader Mao Zedong sitting on a white sofa inside the ship and watching the landscape roll by through a window.

In the footage, several figures in black suits are seen standing behind the man believed to be the North Korean leader as another man approaches him.

The ship was flanked by patrol boats and police were deployed along the banks of the river every few meters.

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by @ 7:46 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, North Korea

One Response to “kim jong-il sighting”

  1. Tom - Daai Tou Laam Says:

    The man is a mover. Moved quickly from Guangzhou to a state estate in Shenzhen.

    Tells me that Dear Leader is investigating further economic reforms for North Korea and possible special economic zones for export led growth.

    Of course there is the issue of trade sanctions that tend to hamper export led growth.

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