6 April, 2006

121 sawed skulls

AsiaPundit noticed this item mentioned by Shanghaiist a few days back, Michael at the Opposite End of China has more details and the below grim photo.:

Gansu Skulls

There’s a really gruesome story that’s been developing in Gansu Province these past few days. A local herdsman was apparently minding his own business in a forest near the Gansu/Qinghai provincial border when he discovered a plastic bag containing more than a hundred human skulls… 121 skulls, to be exact. Many of the skulls had been sawed off at the top (see photo), and tests show that they came from the bodies of both children and adults.

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by @ 2:52 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia

4 Responses to “121 sawed skulls”

  1. GZ Expat Says:

    You know…those photo’s look awfully similar to how some would eat monkey brains…as the top of the skull is cut off to expose the noggin.

    I’d hate to think this is what happened to these folk…all I can say is…Ewwwww

  2. The Opposite End of China Says:

    Exactly what I was thinking… remember that scene from “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” when they eat monkey brains?

  3. myrick Says:

    Yeah, I thought ‘Temple of Doom’ as well. Part of the dinner conversation with Mrs Asiapundit tonight went as follows.:
    AP: In a best-case scenario, maybe it’s just a grave robber who robs fresh graves to eat brains.
    Mrs AP: That’s pretty grim for ‘best-case.’
    Ewwww indeed.

  4. GI Korea Says:

    I’m thinking it is more like Hannibal Lecter than Indiana Jones.

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