24 April, 2006

sleeping cheney / hu vs singh

AsiaPundit did not write further on the embarassment at the White House, and recommends Roland for an excellent summary of the negative reactions the percieved ill treatment of Hu Jintao provoked in China.
It is worth noting, however, that the following photo of a seemingly napping Dick Cheney did not provoke much outrage.:


Vice President Dick Cheney says he was looking at his notes, not sleeping, during a briefing by President Bush and Chinese President Hu Jintao in Hu’s first Oval Office visit.
(Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images)

Why the outrage over Bush grabbing Hu’s arm but not the sleeping Dick? We can only speculate. However, as someone who has visited the Great Hall during a National People’s Congress session, AsiaPundit will attest that it is perfectly normal to nod off during the speeches of CPC leaders.

Elsewhere, Manish at Sepia Mutiny contrasts the treatment Hu received during his China trip and that received by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his state visit.:

China India
Got a state lunch Got a state dinner. Stayed for chai.
Says Iran isn’t a threat Joined U.S. in censuring Iran
Sold Iran nuke tech Will buy nuke tech from the U.S.
Falun Gong heckler One-Track Uncle
Criticized by Dubya for human rights Praised by Dubya for democracy
Mistakenly called by the official title of Taiwan Dubya finally stopped mixing it up with Indiana
Bill Gates bought leader dinner Bill Gates gave country two billion dollars
Left with vague promises Left with nuclear energy deal
by @ 9:02 pm. Filed under China, India, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia

One Response to “sleeping cheney / hu vs singh”

  1. Shanghaiist Says:

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