10 July, 2006

China Cracks Down on Film Pirates

After endless demands from Western embassies and industry groups, China is seriously cracking down on film pirates…

Oops, our mistake, China is actually cracking down on a pirate film. “Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s’ Chest” has been banned from the big screen due to depictions of cannibalism.:

Mpaa-1SHANGHAI (XFN-ASIA) - The Walt Disney Co movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest’ has been banned from cinemas in China because it depicts people eating human flesh, the Shanghai Daily reported citing a cinema company official.

‘The movie didn’t get the approval of the state authority,’ an official from Shanghai United Cinema Lines, the city’s movie chain, told the newspaper.

The official, who declined to be named, told the paper the main reason it failed to secure approval was the scenes of cannibalism in the movie.

The scenes are a key part of the movie’s plot and cannot be easily changed or cut, the paper said.

In spite of the ‘Arrr’ rating, pirated copies of the film should still be widely available.

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by @ 2:12 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, Censorship, Film

3 Responses to “China Cracks Down on Film Pirates”

  1. China Law Blog Says:

    I feel so protected.

  2. Lonnie Says:

    Are you guys getting funnier or is the humidity in Guangzhou making me giddy?

    I just spewed Charbucks coffee onto my computer screen….

    Arrr rating…..Ha…..

  3. mahathir_fan Says:

    china. china. In Malaysia, they just banned the movie “The Last Communist Man” aka “Lelaki Komunis Terakhir”.

    How come nobody is blogging about this? Why is China so important? What about Malaysia???


    “After a screening was held for Malaysian members of Parliament, the home minister, Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, said the real problem was that the absence of violence in the documentary could create the misconception that Chin Peng was not himself violent. …..

    Mr. Amir said, “I think this is the first time a film has been banned for not being violent enough.” “

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