23 May, 2005

s korean stem-cell research

While I understand why there was no protest over stem-cell research in my former home Singapore (protesting is illegal) I share the puzzlement of Jodi at Asiapages about the lack of public outcry in South Korea (after all, Koreans protest almost everything):

CNN used Israel as an example of one country that is known for its strong religious background yet is aggressively pursuing progress in stem cell research, a topic that many religious conservatives elsewhere are bashing as being "unethical."
Israel defends its support of stem cell research by stating that according to many Judaic sects the embryo in its early stages of development isn’t considered to be fully human. (Apparently many sects of Islam recognize this belief as well.)
Various sects of Christianity on the other hand, see the process as the sacrifice of a human life and many Christians worldwide are therefore opposed to stem cell research for this reason. They have in fact, been the loudest opposers to stem cell research. (See link for a more thorough exploration of this.)
But what about here in Korea?
Does anyone else find it interesting how unusually quiet the huge Christian following is here regarding South Korea’s recent breakthrough in stem cell research?

by @ 7:38 pm. Filed under South Korea

One Response to “s korean stem-cell research”

  1. shingles Says:

    Actually Koerans protest foreigners a lot more then anything else. Koreans just hate Americans and Jappo. However to be fair, a few koreans dont mind foreigners. As long as they dont have to see them. Jodi, is a kyopo who also hates foreigners.

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