30 May, 2005

state secrets

China has jailed/detained a Singaporean journalist for violating state secrets. (via Diodati):

The Peking Duck reports
that Straits Times senior correspondent Ching Cheong was arrested in
Guangzhou on April 22, over alleged leakage of state secrets. Both the
Straits Times and the wife of the prominent Hong Kong journalist were
warned by the Chinese government to not reveal her husband’s
imprisonment, or else… Washington Post is first with the news.

This is especially odd given the favourable coverage the city-state’s media usually give the Communist Party.:      

Since late 1980s, it established a diplomatic relationship with China and has become closer and closer to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It now completely follows the CCP, seeks benefits from the CCP and conducts acts that are in the interest of the CCP. It is not hard to understand why the government of Singapore, disregarding its own image, has committed an evil deed by bringing two innocent Falun Gongpractitioners to court and heavily punishing them for letting tourists
and policemen know the truth of Falun Gong…
In addition, the media in Singapore is heavily influenced by the CCP. Accordingly, The Singapore United Times is the only overseas paper that is present in Mainland China. Even papers that are heavily influenced by the CCP, such as The Xing Pao Daily and The Ming Daily of Hong Kong and The World Daily of Taiwan, can not compare with it. In
this situation, The Singapore United has to completely conform to the CCP.

by @ 2:25 pm. Filed under Singapore, China, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Media

One Response to “state secrets”

  1. Simon World Says:

    Gold medal gaols

    Today’s SCMP:There is no need to worry about Chinese authorities’ censorship of the press, a senior International Olympic Committee (IOC) member said yesterday, citing Beijing’s eagerness to ensure the 2008 Games are a success. “There will not be censo…

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