13 August, 2005

blogger, typepad blocked in Korea?

The Lost Nomad, Jodi at Asia Pages and others are reporting that in South Korea blogs hosted on Typepad and Blogger are not accessible. Nomad writes:

is odd.  I can’t get to any of the blogspot or typepad blogs.  Well,
none of the typepad blogs that use "typepad.com" in the URL…the
typepad blogs that use the "blogs.com" are working ok.

In China, Typepad blogs that have the "blogs.com" extension are blocked while "typepad.com" sites are available. I expect this means that Asiapundit, a domain-mapped Typepad site, has now been blocked in South Korea.

South Korea had blocked blog sites in 2004 to prevent the download a video showing the beheading of Kim Sun-il, who had been killed by terrorists in Iraq.

Comments on Jodi’s site indicate that this isn’t nationwide, so we can hope that it’s just a glitch.

by @ 11:03 am. Filed under South Korea, Blogs, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Web/Tech, Weblogs, Censorship

2 Responses to “blogger, typepad blocked in Korea?”

  1. Nomad Says:

    Yep, I had to go through a proxy to get to your site.

    Still no info as to what\’s going on.

  2. GI Korea Says:

    The block is still in effect. Some think it may be being caused by the Korean government over the Korean Liberation Day to prevent bloggers from posting anything provoking North Korea during the events here in the South between the two countries.

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