25 October, 2005

rumor on wikipedia block

Danwei, citing a blogger, says that China’s block on collaborative on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia is to be lifted by tomorrow.:

WikilogoA Chinese blogger named shizhao writing on CNblog.org says that he has information that Wikipedia will be unblocked by Wednesday this week. He also has some suggestions for complaining about the Nanny’s nefarious blocking activities: complain directly to your ISP.

Apparently, the ISPs cannot reveal the reasons for a website being blocked because such decisions are usually taken by Public Security organizations and the ISPs do not usually know the reason themselves, but they can nonetheless pass on applications for a site to be unblocked.

Below is a link to a map of the Chinese Internet, showing how the ISPs connect to the backbones and to other countries. Clicking on the icons for each ISP takes you to their websites, where you can usually find an online form or an email address to use for your complaint. You should submit the IP address as well as the domain name.

So fellow Internet users in China, start complaining about the shoddy treatment we receive from the Nanny! Report blocked sites! El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!

Yeah right.

We’ll wait and see if the Wiki block is lfted, a single unverified source in the blogosphere isn’t a confirmation. However, it struck AsiaPundit last week that the Chinese authorities could do worse than block the open-source encyclopedia… they could simply employ some of the alleged tens of thousands of cyber propagandists to edit entries that don’t follow Beijing’s official line.

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by @ 2:03 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Censorship

One Response to “rumor on wikipedia block”

  1. China Snippets Says:

    And there I was hoping nobody would start giving this advice away. It would make sense but it also needs some lateral thinking capacities.

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