5 November, 2005

cia vs thailand

Via Malaysia Today, Wapo has reported that there are clandestine CIA prisons in eight countries, including Thailand, Afghanistan and an unnamed Central European country.:

WASHINGTON - The CIA has been holding and interrogating al Qaeda captives at a secret facility in Eastern Europe, part of a covert prison system established after the September 11, 2001, attacks, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

The Soviet-era compound is part of a network that has included sites in eight countries, including Thailand and Afghanistan, the newspaper reported, citing U.S. and foreign officials familiar with the arrangement.

Thailand denied it was host to such a facility.

“There is no fact in the unfounded claims,” government spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee said.

Naturally, a Thai official would deny the existence of a secret prison - the CIA even denied it’s own existence for decades. What struck me odd about the report was this section.:

The paper, citing several former and current intelligence and other U.S. government officials, said the CIA used such detention centers abroad because in the United States it is illegal to hold prisoners in such isolation.

The Washington Post said it was not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries involved in the covert program at the request of senior U.S. officials.

The officials argued that disclosure could disrupt counterterrorism efforts or make the host countries targets for retaliation, the newspaper said.

If officials seriously fear that disclosure created a risk of terrorist retaliation, AsiaPundit wonders if there a reason they didn’t request that Thailand remain unnamed.

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by @ 5:04 pm. Filed under Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Terrorism

One Response to “cia vs thailand”

  1. Paul Says:

    The CIA wants Thailand to be attacked?

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