23 March, 2006

fascist korean war mongers

Andy at the Flying Yangban alerts AsiaPundit to a post condemning South Korean imperialism.:

“Today’s anti-war, anti-occupation demo in Seoul, one of hundreds that were held around the world this weekend, in the biggest show of force from the world’s second superpower(tm) in a long time. The march in Seoul was similar to those around all over the world in calling for an end to occupation and calling for no attack on Iran. More specifically it called for the withdrawal of the so-called Zaytun Division of Korean soldiers stationed near Irbil in northern Iraq. In true Orwellian style the troop division is named with the Arabic word meaning olive - a reference to the olive branch of peace. Surely the Arabic word for imperialism would be more appropriate.”

Kotaji is exactly right, the neofascist Korean warmongers have conquered northern Iraq for their own insidious imperialistic purposes. I have the proof in pictures:


Look closely and you might detect the subtle mark of Korea’s insidious imperialism. This poor girl has become a cog in the Korean war machine.

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by @ 8:40 pm. Filed under South Korea, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

2 Responses to “fascist korean war mongers”

  1. kotaji Says:

    I suppose if you read my post a bit more carefully you’d see that I didn’t call the Korean government neofascist, or warmongers or accuse them of being imperialists.

    But then where would we be without satire eh?

  2. Brian Says:

    You did call them imperialists:

    “In true Orwellian style the troop division is named with the Arabic word meaning olive - a reference to the olive branch of peace. Surely the Arabic word for imperialism would be more appropriate.”

    The other stuff is just extrapolation on things commonly heard coming from other people who share your views.

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