30 December, 2005

roswell! roswell!

Did China invade Tibet to reclaim a part of historic China, easily grab territory from a bunch of wimpy Buddhists or did they want to seize the alien technologies? The truth is out there.:

RoswellChinese Roswell: some thoughts …

Ever heard of Roswell?

It is a place in Nevada (AP: New Mexico), which has made itself famous by having an uninvited UFO crash-landing back in 1947 (?) Ever since then its desert landmark is no longer boring enough to be ignored and Roswell turns to a name for an UFO encounter.

As fascinating as it sounds, Roswell includes a disc-alike space ship, two ETs, and a convincing small crater caused by that crash-landing space ship.

By an apparent awkward cover-up by US government, it made Roswell even hot, filled with mystery.

Well, there is one in China too, fascinated by its amazing on-site artifacts: stone discs. Yeah, discs again but stone disc this time.

The site was found by a Chinese archeologist in 1938 around the east border area of Tibet. Inside a few caves there were 716 stone discs that were found.

Those circular stone discs are about 6 to 8 inches in diameter and an half inch in thickness, with a hole in the center of disc. Irregular shapes of grooves are found on the surface of discs. The grooves on the stone discs turn out to be a continuous story, which was later figured out as a story board telling about how a space ship had crash-landing there.

It is also found the discs were made about 10000 to 12000 years ago when there was no recorded civilization at all or any such elegant artifacts in existence.

If the stone discs have stated a true story, we had from outer space visitors, who apparently had further down the road than we humans did in the civilization. It certainly makes this bit of cold universe a little warmer, knowing some creatures accompany us all along.

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by @ 10:11 pm. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

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