13 December, 2005

the mess in dongzhou

AsiaPundit is, for better or worse, a journalist by day. While blogging tradition is to shoot from the hip without a full array of evidence, the day job demands a bit more. On the Dongzhou incident, AP has been pretty silent. That’s largely AP relying on instinct. It’s better to be slow than to be wrong, even though it’s bad to be either.

There’s a lot of chatter on the matter, but with death tolls between three (the unreliable CPP service Xinhua) and 70 (unreliable FLG rag Epoch Times) it’s hard to find a source of clarity.


One thing that is certain, as Richard at Peking Duck states, is that things are "a serious mess".:

The whole thing is extraordinary. Hundreds of riots occur in China every day, but, as the article says, police and paramilitary forces rarely shoot civilian demonstrators. Xinhua, as I posted yesterday, put out a lengthy article claiming it was all about thuggish "instigators" who were wickedly inciting the villagers, who the poor law enforecement officials were "forced" to shoot down. And within 12 hours, that Xinhua article vanished. Somewhere within that period of time someone in the government apparently realized just how serious a mess this was, and that trying to scapegoat the demonstrators wasn;t going to work.

Meanwhile, since the Xinhua article came and went, there seems to be a blackout on news coming out of China; a Google News search shows it’s only the foreign press that’s covering it (with plenty of sensational coverage from Epoch Times, of course).

ESWN has, as always, provided better coverage than widely available elsewhere - though as by consolidating reports rather than reporting. Gateway Pundit has a decent roundup of images and videos which are well worth watching even though many are sourced by the Epoch Times. (AP will more-or-less trust Epoch Times visual evidence, that’s much harder to fake than CPC resignations).

(On the FLG, AP finds them about as reliable as the Scientologists, but he does not take the CPC line on the movement.  Note, AP would not care to see Tom Cruise tortured to death just because he has nutty ideas about psychiatry, has corrupted Katie Holmes and was so nuts that he would divorce a hottie like Nicole Kidman. Although all of that would probably be more of a reason for torturing Tom than what the CPC has tortured FLG members for. AP opposes torture, even against Tom Cruise.)

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by @ 12:29 am. Filed under China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

4 Responses to “the mess in dongzhou”

  1. eswn Says:

    Hey, how about this supreme test: you can sign in as Paris Hilton and sign in to resign from the CCP on behalf of Mao Zedong. That would make you number 6,000,001.

    If you like, you can repeat the same exercise as Katie Holmes (6,000,002) and then again as Tom Cruise (6,000,003).

    And then you can come back tomorrow night and repeat the same.

  2. eswn Says:

    on a more serious note, i am actually saddened by having to list report instead of reporting. how many dead? 3, 6, 10+, 20+, 50+ or 70+? I am just some guy reading internet reports in hong kong. i am not interested in faith-based reporting. that is where i am stuck. I don’t like it, but what can i do?

  3. Will Says:

    Myrick, I think we need to really critically examine the most serious allegation in your post. I can’t believe you think that stick-insect Kidman is better looking than Katie Holmes. (Although points off for all Scientologists in my book.)

    Now, on a less pressing matters, I’ve also been torn between wanting to screed on Dongzhou and waiting to see how it all turns out. But I have found the evolution of the official line on the protests interesting. Frankly, I’m amazed it has received as much government reportage as it has, and the government didn’t immediately attempt to render it an un-event. Is this post-Harbin refractory period?

  4. myrick Says:

    Will, I didn’t claim to favor Kidman over Holmes. I find both rather pleasing, but I think that Penelope Cruz would be the hands-down winner in a three way contest.
    Roland, that’s not a bad idea, though that site seems to defeat all proxies. Perhaps I could get Mao baptized as a Mormon or something?

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