22 December, 2005

wordpress china shuts blogs

(UPDATE: Wordpress China is not affiliated with Wordpress.)
Whether this is because of state-mandated censorship or incredibly bad customer service remains to be seen, but blog service provider Wordpress.com.cn has been deleting blogs without giving advanced notice to their owners.:

Picture-4Many registered users of wordpress.com.cn found that their accounts have been deleted by the site without any notices. The deleted user name is available for re-registration. In blog of Zhuo Zuran, the domain name holder, he explained that inactive accounts will be deleted by system. But many users complaint that even for those who publish posts, the accounts have been deleted too. And an anomynous user said he got email from wordpress.com.cn, it is said that the site was set up by overseas Chinese in WordPress development team(is it true?) to target overseas Chinese, so they delete the registered users from mainland China.

I have no idea whether wordpress.com.cn has any relationship with Wordpress.com and don’t know the exact resons to delete the accounts, but to delete users accounts in such a short time after registration without any notice or reasonable explanation is really irresponsible and unacceptable.

Fons writes:

The relations between the Chinese edition and Wordpress.com remains unclear as are the reason to delete weblogs without any notification.

Fons also notes the shutdown of  the site of one of the first English-language native Shanghai bloggers, Wang Jianshuo, which currently remains inaccessible in Shanghai. AsiaPundit offers his wishes that the site will be restored quickly.

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by @ 9:31 pm. Filed under Blogs, China, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia, Web/Tech, Weblogs, Censorship

3 Responses to “wordpress china shuts blogs”

  1. Fons Says:

    Just went back to Wang Jianshuo’s weblog and it was down again. Damned, I’m with the same host, I should use the holidays to migrate.

  2. Salvor Says:

    This is not only happening in China. Now Myspace.com seem to have closed or deleted my blog

    This seem to be because I critizised their blocking of youtube videoclips. Fortunately I have screendumps of my first and second post on this blog:

    If you are interested in this story and want to compare it to what is happening in China, here is a link to my blog:

    This is social networking turning ugly. There is not so much difference between censorship in China and Myspace censoring of content. In both cases it is an act of those in power upon them without power.

  3. Dave Says:

    Keep on blogging! Never stop. Your friends in the west are praying for you all. Great site, come by and visit mine when you get a chance! :)

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