27 December, 2005

pr0n rice festival


Ancient rice festival has reputation smeared by ‘therapeutic’ facial cream claims

MSN-Mainichi— A Fukuoka festival dating back to ancient times is growing increasingly popular with Japan’s adult movie fans because it involves smearing gooey, white liquid all over the faces of participants…

…the Oshiroi Festival held every December at the Oyamazumi Shrine in the Fukuoka Prefecture town of Haki…,men draw out handfuls of the gooey mess from the containers they’re carrying and smear it all over the face of all those taking part in the banquet, whether they like it or not, with results closely resembling what the adult video world refers to as a gansha, or facial shot.

Oshiroi is said to have a therapeutic effect on the skin, which has attracted a growing number of young women to the festival in recent years…more…

Bukkakei GroupOk, ok, here’s the rest of the story. The Oshiroi Matsuri involves most old men smearing ‘therapeutic’ facials on the faces of each other in a thanksgiving festival for abundant crops. The local tourist board obliquely mentions that everyone involved is drunk out of their skulls when they report: “It is comical to see the celebrants weaving their way home after the ritual.”

Watch the Japanese the news video here おしろい祭り—Oshiroi Matsuri (Windows Media, 110 seconds).

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by @ 9:34 pm. Filed under Japan, Asia, East Asia, Northeast Asia

One Response to “pr0n rice festival”

  1. Gordon Says:

    Ewww is right. Japan seems to have a huge fetish for all things bukkake (not talking about noodles either).

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